Ya Quds...Kau di hatiku.....

I made this video playlist at

Always Be Ready For.....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Allah is sufficient for us.
He is the best disposer of affairs
Oh magnificent, oh honored one
Save the Muslims of Gaza

Oh Allah!!!

Oh Allah, be for them a guardian and helper
Our Lord, strong are those who are near to you
Glorious is your praise
And sanctified are your names

Oh Allah no one can abolish your command
And no one can defeat your army
Praise and glory to you

Oh Allah to you the Jews are evil doers

Oh Allah revealer of the book
Mover of the clouds
Defeater of the armies
Crush them down and shatter them

Oh Allah show us in them signs of your might
Murderers of the messengers and prophets
Tyrants of the innocents

Oh Allah free the Muslims of Gaza

Oh magnificent, oh honored one

Oh Allah loose their chains
Heal their sickness
And uncover their torture

Oh Allah replace their fear with safety

Oh magnificent, oh honored one

Oh Allah strengthen Islam and the muslimeen
Lower and shirk and mushrikeen
Destroy the enemies of the religion
And protect the territories of Islam
And unite the word of the Muslims in truth, oh lord of the worlds

Oh Allah saves the weak and powerless of the muslimeen everywhere

Oh Allah improve the situation of the muslimeen in Palestine, Iraq Afghanistan.Chechenya and everywhere

Oh Allah bring together their hearts
Guide them on the paths of pace
And lead them from darkness into light, Oh magnificent, oh honored one

''Onlar saniyorlar ki biz sussak bütün mesele kalmayacak.Halbuki biz sussak tarih susmayacak,tarih sussa hakikat susmayacak.

Onlar saniyorlar ki bizden kurtulsalar bütün mesele kalmayacak.Halbuki bizden kurtulsalar vicdan azabindan kurtulamayacaklar,vicdan azabindan kurtulsalar tarihin azabindan kurtulamayacaklar,tarihin azabindan kurtulsalar, Allah'in gazabindan kurtulamayacaklar''

Friday, October 30, 2009

Qaradhawi: Lindungi Segera Masjid Al Aqsa

October 26, 2009

26 Okt – Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradhawi, Ketua Persatuan Ulama Islam Antarabangsa, menyerukan umat Islam dunia agar bertindak atas kejahatan serangan Israel yang terjadi hari Ahad (25/10) terhadap Masjid Al Aqsa. Beliau menegaskan, berulangkali Yahudi Israel melakukan serangan keji terhadap Masjid Al Aqsa yang kurang mendapat tindakan serius dari kaum Muslimin dunia.
”Peristiwa yang baru saja terjadi harus membangkitkan seluruh umat Islam untuk bertindak, dan menyatakan bahawa Yahudi benar-benar telah menginjakkan kakinya di Masjid Al Aqsa,” ujar Syeikh Al Qaradhawi.

Beliau juga menyerukan umat Islam dunia untuk melakukan aksi demonstrasi atas penodaan masjid Al Aqsa yang dilakukan Zionis Israel itu di hadapan pejabat PBB, pada hari Isnin (26/10). Qaradhawi menyatakan hal ini dalam salah satu ucapan siaran langsungnya yang ditayangkan oleh televisyen satelit Aljazeera setelah kejadian serangan polis Israel terhadap puluhan orang jamaah masjid Al Aqsa sekaligus penangkapan atas mereka dan menginjak-injak Masjid Al Aqsa pada pagi Ahad, 25 Okt lalu.

”Apa yang terjadi di Al Quds, berupa serangan yang dilakukan berulangkali ke atas Masjid Al Aqsa, itu seharusnya mampu menyedarkan seluruh umat Islam bahawa serangan serangan itu meningkat hari demi hari untuk tujuan Yahudi yang mahu menguasai masjid Al Aqsa,” ujar Al Qaradhawi.

Beliau lalu mengatakan, ”Saya menyerukan Liga Arab dan Sekjen OKI serta seluruh pimpinan dan tokoh Islam di seluruh dunia untuk melindungi Masjid Al Aqsa. Kita tidak boleh mendiamkan diri terhadap kejadian ini.” (mln/iol)

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